The Inbox Variations
My author newsletter comes out 4-6 times a year.
I write about what I’ve been thinking, reading, watching, listening to, and any book and writing news. I’ve moved it off of Substack in 2025. If you were already signed up for any of my emails, you should have gotten an edition called The Inbox Variations 2.0 on Jan 12. If you’re didn’t and think you should have, check your spam and tell your email app you trust the sender. If you’re not signed up and would like to be, hit, as they say, that subscribe button.
I don’t share or sell your addresses or data, and I won’t use it to sell you anything other than in the context of telling you about my books, classes, etc., in the newsletter. I don’t track who subscribes or unsubscribes, just the overal numbers. I’m also experimenting with putting PDF newsletter archives on this site somewhere. The old newsletter archives are still at Substack for now if you want to see what you’ll be getting if you subscribe.